مساعدات إنسانية مستدامة

نعمل على تحسين جودة الحياة وتعزيز الاستقرار في المجتمعات المتضررة من النزاعات.

A person wearing a hat is leaning against large cardboard boxes labeled 'Amazon Disaster Relief' with humanitarian goods. The individual appears to be using a mobile phone. The boxes are strapped and suggest they are ready for transport or distribution. The setting appears to be outdoors with some greenery in the background.
A person wearing a hat is leaning against large cardboard boxes labeled 'Amazon Disaster Relief' with humanitarian goods. The individual appears to be using a mobile phone. The boxes are strapped and suggest they are ready for transport or distribution. The setting appears to be outdoors with some greenery in the background.

تقييمات إيجابية من المجتمع


عن المنظمة الدولية للمساعدات الإنسانية

نساعد المجتمعات المتضررة من النزاعات والكوارث.

Several individuals are gathered in an outdoor setting, with many of them seated on the ground alongside bags and containers of supplies, likely food aid. The people are dressed in cultural attire, and there is a visible stone wall in the background dividing the scene.
Several individuals are gathered in an outdoor setting, with many of them seated on the ground alongside bags and containers of supplies, likely food aid. The people are dressed in cultural attire, and there is a visible stone wall in the background dividing the scene.



الاستدامة والتغيير الإيجابي

مساعدة مستمرة

خدماتنا الإنسانية

تقديم الدعم للمجتمعات المتضررة من النزاعات وتحسين جودة الحياة.

A young boy stands with raised arms in front of a row of tents in a refugee camp. The tents have UNHCR logos, indicating the involvement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In the background, a truck and a few vehicles are visible alongside a hillside. A national flag is flying on a pole, and the ground is dry and dusty.
A young boy stands with raised arms in front of a row of tents in a refugee camp. The tents have UNHCR logos, indicating the involvement of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. In the background, a truck and a few vehicles are visible alongside a hillside. A national flag is flying on a pole, and the ground is dry and dusty.
دعم الصحة والتعليم

تمكين الفئات الأكثر احتياجًا وتعزيز التعايش السلمي.

تمكين المجتمعات عبر

تقديم التدريب وريادة الأعمال لضمان الاستدامة.

إعادة تأهيل المساكن

تحسين البنية التحتية وتعزيز السلام المجتمعي.


نقدم مشاريع تنموية مستدامة للمجتمعات المتضررة في السودان.

Four women and a young girl are engaged in daily activities near large red water containers. They are standing on a rocky, dusty ground with makeshift shelters in the background displaying UNHCR logos. The women are dressed in colorful headscarves and patterned dresses. One woman is carrying a box, while another is standing beside the containers.
Four women and a young girl are engaged in daily activities near large red water containers. They are standing on a rocky, dusty ground with makeshift shelters in the background displaying UNHCR logos. The women are dressed in colorful headscarves and patterned dresses. One woman is carrying a box, while another is standing beside the containers.
دعم الصحة

نقدم خدمات صحية للمجتمعات المتضررة من النزاعات.

A group of men and women stand together in front of a brick building with a sign that reads 'American Red Cross Disaster Relief Headquarters.' The individuals are dressed in early 20th-century attire, with some seated while others stand in rows. The scene appears to be a formal gathering or a group photo of staff or volunteers.
A group of men and women stand together in front of a brick building with a sign that reads 'American Red Cross Disaster Relief Headquarters.' The individuals are dressed in early 20th-century attire, with some seated while others stand in rows. The scene appears to be a formal gathering or a group photo of staff or volunteers.
Several people are gathered around a water distribution point in what appears to be a refugee camp. A young girl and a man are carrying large white containers, while other women and children are waiting nearby. Tents and makeshift shelters can be seen in the background, suggesting a temporary living situation.
Several people are gathered around a water distribution point in what appears to be a refugee camp. A young girl and a man are carrying large white containers, while other women and children are waiting nearby. Tents and makeshift shelters can be seen in the background, suggesting a temporary living situation.
Several individuals in uniforms and helmets are gathered around a stretcher containing an unidentified person. The scene appears to take place amidst rubble and debris, suggesting a rescue or recovery operation in a post-disaster or wartime setting. The individuals are focused and engaged in their task, emphasizing a sense of urgency.
Several individuals in uniforms and helmets are gathered around a stretcher containing an unidentified person. The scene appears to take place amidst rubble and debris, suggesting a rescue or recovery operation in a post-disaster or wartime setting. The individuals are focused and engaged in their task, emphasizing a sense of urgency.
تمكين المجتمع

نساعد في تدريب الأفراد على ريادة الأعمال والمهارات.

لقد ساعدتني المنظمة الدولية للمساعدات الإنسانية وإعادة التأهيل (مسعى) في تحسين حياتي من خلال برامجها المبتكرة والدعم المستمر. أشكرهم على جهودهم.

أحمد علي

A young girl stands confidently in front of a tent decorated with a colorful floral sheet. The scene appears to be a refugee camp, as indicated by the UNHCR logo on nearby tents. Another person is visible in the background, partially obscured, wearing a headscarf and striped shirt. The ground is dry and rocky, and the sky is bright and clear with few clouds.
A young girl stands confidently in front of a tent decorated with a colorful floral sheet. The scene appears to be a refugee camp, as indicated by the UNHCR logo on nearby tents. Another person is visible in the background, partially obscured, wearing a headscarf and striped shirt. The ground is dry and rocky, and the sky is bright and clear with few clouds.
